Annual programme 2025
“Catalogues for Young Artists” award

“Catalogues for Young Artists” award

“Catalogues for Young Artists” award

The exhibition and catalogue award will be offered once again in spring 2025.

The Krupp Foundation set up the “Catalogues for Young Artists” (Kataloge für junge Künstler*innen) programme in 1982. With this programme, the Foundation aims to enable promising young artists to have their own catalogue. At the same time, exhibition organisers are to be encouraged to develop new and innovative exhibition concepts.

Every two years, three catalogues and the corresponding exhibitions are funded. The next call for applications will take place in spring 2025.

Catalogues for Young Artists

Below, please find a small selection of previous publications from the programme.


Funding is provided for a catalogue in conjunction with an exhibition. Applications relating exclusively to an exhibition or to a catalogue cannot be taken into consideration. The planned exhibition project must be located in Germany. In this case, it should be the first major institutional exhibition by a young artist. The artists should not be older than 35 years. The catalogue may also include other documentation media.

In exceptional cases, the catalogue and exhibition of a group of artists can be funded if this group has defined itself as a group for quite some time. Collective exhibitions or exhibitions of student works will not be funded.

Applying institution

Any public or communal exhibition organiser in Germany is eligible to apply. Applications by artists themselves are not possible. To the extent that they are non-profit organisations, private institutions can be supported. Support for commercial institutions is excluded.

Application documents

  • Completely filled out online application
  • Concept of the exhibition (design, number of works, etc.)
  • Concept of the catalogue
  • Calculation of the exhibition costs
  • Calculation of the production costs of the catalogue (publisher’s calculation, if possible)
  • Short biography / artistic career of the artist
  • Visual documentation of the artist’s work, links to online content
  • Proof of the non-profit status of the exhibition organiser

Application processing

Six to eight weeks after the submission deadline, a jury appointed by the Krupp Foundation will decide on the applications received. A representative of the Krupp Foundation is also a member of the jury.

The selection process is confidential. Information about the reasons for the decision will not be provided. Any legal claims to a granting of the award are excluded. Applications can only be dealt with on the scheduled meeting dates.

Scope of funding

The Foundation is funding the catalogue and the exhibition with a total of up to EUR 40,000. It expects the applicant to co-finance both the exhibition and the catalogue in the amount of at least a quarter of the total costs. The funding requested for the catalogue and the exhibition are not interchangeable.


The maximum funding amount for the exhibition is EUR 10,000. The funds can be used for both personnel costs, such as for an exhibition curator, as well as for material costs incurred in connection with the exhibition.


The funding amount for the catalogue amounts to up to three quarters of the production costs, up to a maximum of EUR 30,000. The catalogue should present the artist’s work in an appropriate manner and in a form coordinated between the artist and the applicant institution. In this, the presentation can go beyond the works shown in the exhibition. The Foundation expects that it will be the exclusive sponsor of the catalogue when it presents the award.

The artist will receive 100 complimentary copies of the catalogue, and the Foundation 50. The Foundation is using these to serve an international distribution list.


Dr. Ingomar Lorch
Hügel 15
45133 Essen
Phone: +49 (0)201 1884805
Angelika Hardetzki
Hügel 15
45133 Essen
Phone: +49 (0)201 1884807